Residency at Neusole Glassworks by on 22/8/2013 at 11:41:14
Getting ready for my 1 week residency at Neusole Glassworks in Cincinnati Ohio. Five days in the hot shop followed up by a 6 week show in their gallery.
Pilchuck Gaffing by on 22/8/2013 at 11:39:47
Recently returned from 5th session gaffing at Pilchuck, and had a fantastic time working with my friend and ex-assistant Manny Krakowski. Worked with the amazing Artist in Residence Ruben and Isabel Toledo, as well as the instructors Tom Rowney, Dave Walters, Roger Parramore, Karin Tornell, Joel Hurlburt, Warren Langley and Laurel Porcari.